All Ipelib objects have constructors of the form:
v = ipe.Vector() m = ipe.Matrix() m = ipe.Translation() -- another Matrix constructor m = ipe.Rotation() -- yet another Matrix constructor r = ipe.Rect() l = ipe.Line() l = ipe.LineThrough() -- another Line constructor l = ipe.Bisector() -- yet another Line constructor s = ipe.Segment() b = ipe.Bezier() a = ipe.Arc()
Note that ipe::Angle and ipe::Linear are not bound in Lua. Use numbers and ipe.Matrix instead. A useful method for angles is:
beta = ipe.normalizeAngle(alpha, lowLimit)
ipe.Vector binds ipe::Vector. There are the following methods:
v = ipe.Vector() -- zero vector v = ipe.Vector(x, y) v = ipe.Direction(alpha) -- unit vector in this direction a = v.x -- read only access to x and y coordinates b = v.y v:len() -- returns norm of vector v:sqLen() -- returns square of norm v:normalized() -- returns this vector normalized v:orthogonal() -- returns this vector rotated left by 90 degrees v:factorize(u) -- factors v = lambda u + x, where x orth. to u, u is unit v:angle() -- return direction v == w -- vector equality v ~= w -v -- unary minus v + w -- vector addition v - w -- vector difference 5 * v -- multiplication with a scalar v * 5 -- multiplication with a scalar v ^ w -- dot product
ipe.Matrix binds ipe::Matrix. It has the following methods:
m = ipe.Matrix() -- identity matrix m = ipe.Matrix(a1, a2, a3, a4) -- linear transformation m = ipe.Matrix(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) -- affine transformation m = ipe.Matrix( { a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 } ) -- same from table m = ipe.Rotation(alpha) -- rotation matrix m = ipe.Translation(v) -- v is a vector m = ipe.Translation(x, y) m1 == m2 -- matrix equality m1 * m2 -- matrix multiplication m * v -- matrix * vector m * arc -- matrix * arc m:elements() -- returns six-element array with elements m:isIdentity() m:isSingular(threshold) m:inverse() m:translation() -- return translation component m:linear() -- returns matrix without the translation component
ipe.Rect binds ipe::Rect. This is the only mutable geometric object - take care not to be surprised when ipe.Rect objects are shared.
It has the following methods:
r = ipe.Rect() -- empty r:isEmpty() r:topRight() r:bottomLeft() r:topLeft() r:bottomRight() r:left() r:right() r:bottom() r:top() r:width() r:height() r:add(v) -- extend to cover vector v r1:add(r2) -- extend to cover rectangle r2 r1:clipTo(r2) -- clip r1 to lie inside r2 r:contains(v) r1:contains(r2) r1:intersects(r2)
ipe.Line binds ipe::Line. It has the following methods:
l = ipe.Line(p, dir) -- dir must be unit vector l = ipe.LineThrough(p, q) l = ipe.Bisector(p, q) -- l:side() returns +1 if v lies to the left side of the line, -- 0 if on line, -1 if on the right side l:side(v) l:point() -- starting point of line l:dir() -- unit direction vector l:normal() -- unit normal vector pointing to the left side l:distance(v) -- returns distance from point to line l1:intersects(l2) -- returns intersection point or nil l:project(p) -- projection of point on line
ipe.Segment binds ipe::Segment. It has the following methods:
s = ipe.Segment(p, q) p, q = s:endpoints() -- returns both endpoints s:line() -- returns an ipe.Line s:project(p) -- returns projection or nil s:distance(p) s:intersects(l) -- return intersection point or nil s1:intersects(s2)
ipe.Bezier binds ipe::Bezier. It has the following methods:
b = ipe.Bezier(v1, v2, v3, v4) b:point(t) -- point at value t v1, v2, v3, v4 = b:controlpoints() -- returns all four control points b:bbox() t, p = b:snap(pos) -- intersections: -- x is line, segment, or bezier -- returns table of intersection points b:intersect(x)
ipe.Arc binds ipe::Arc. It has the following methods:
a = ipe.Arc(m) -- ellipse defined by ipe.Matrix m a = ipe.Arc(m, p, q) -- arc from p to q a = ipe.Arc(m, alpha, beta) a:endpoints() -- returns two endpoints a:angles() -- returns two angles a:bbox() a:matrix() a:isEllipse() alpha, p = a:snap(pos) -- intersections: -- x is line, segment, arc, or bezier -- returns table of intersection points a:intersect(x)